Always be passionate for your work .
Don't become so weak that anyone can harm you . If any one does also then be patient , your's time and day will also come for sure .
Your success is the best answer to anyone . You need not justify or say anything , your achievements and success in life will show that.
Don't react to people's judgement as people are very judgmental and if you keep answering or reacting , then you will yourself loose your self worth.
Don't be sad if time doesn't support you , every great and good things happen at apt time and all of a sudden .
Never forget people who have supported you in your tough and bad times , they are the real one's who gonna stand by you . Bright days will invite many but bad days won't .
Think before you act and react . Don't give your reaction instantaneously . Listen , observe, think and then decide
(content credit to unknown)
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